Learn how to automate the deployment and configurations of Sysmon in your environment.
Cybersecurity Expert
Incident Responcer
Penitration Tester
Linux & Windows Systems Engineer
Freelance Writer
Cybersecurity Expert
Incident Responcer
Penitration Tester
Linux & Windows Systems Engineer
Freelance Writer
Learn how to automate the deployment and configurations of Sysmon in your environment.
Office documents exploiting CVE-2022-30190 are coming to an inbox near you! Find out how you can prepare and mitigate this threat!
What you need to know about Golden Ticket Attacks and how to defend against them! An overview of the Golden Ticket Attack and guidance on protecting Active Directory.
How to track down malicious DNS requests in Windows systems. Incident response techniques for DNS security products like Cisco Umbrella, or DNSFilter.