Bret Staton

Cybersecurity Expert

Incident Responcer

Penitration Tester

Linux & Windows Systems Engineer

Freelance Writer

Bret Staton

Cybersecurity Expert

Incident Responcer

Penitration Tester

Linux & Windows Systems Engineer

Freelance Writer

Author: Bret

March 13, 2021 Windows Client Hardening

Level up your Windows Client defense. How to better secure your local system.

February 9, 2021 Hardware 2FA Yubikey 5s Review

Hardware 2FA Yubikey 5s Review: How to secure your logins and protect yourself from Black Hat Hackers.

February 3, 2021 Attack Surface Disinformation

Attack Surface Disinformation: How to slow down and disrupting brute-forcing bots online.

January 22, 2021 Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy: The Threat Intelligence in your email inbox, and how you can leverage it.