Bret Staton

Cybersecurity Expert

Incident Responcer

Penitration Tester

Linux & Windows Systems Engineer

Freelance Writer

Bret Staton

Cybersecurity Expert

Incident Responcer

Penitration Tester

Linux & Windows Systems Engineer

Freelance Writer

July 30, 2019 Sticky Exim’s First Harvest!

The first malicious email caught in my Exim HoneyPot.

July 7, 2019 Building a honeypot system for Exim vulnerability(CVE-2019-10149)

A simple yet effective way of catching systems is seeking to exploit the Exim vulnerability, And automating the abuse reporting process.

July 5, 2019 Exim Worm(CVE-2019-10149) – When White Hats Go Gray

How far can you go before being just a Black Hat?